
Good prices on elk antlers for dogs
Good prices on elk antlers for dogs

good prices on elk antlers for dogs

These are the only grade of antler we at Mountain Dog Chews use, and suffice it to say that the value of such antlers greatly exceeds the value of 99%+ of each year's shed stock allocated to antler dog chews. This grade of antler historically was reserved for high-end craft and artisan use (chandeliers, premium furnishings, etc.), as these antlers are THE cream of the crop, hand-selected, fresh, recently-dropped brown antler (local foliage may affect the color and weight a bit, but these are the BEST). Grade A+: I would wager that less than 5% of ALL antlers could meet these criteria. For sake of example, consider the following grading scale (used w/r/t elk sheds):

good prices on elk antlers for dogs

Moreover, with respect to grading, the lower the grade, the significantly less the cost (again, to the manufacturer, note). As a rule of thumb, chews made from deer sheds are significantly less costly (to the manufacturer, note) than elk antler chews. In a nutshell, there is a market for every type of antler, and within each market, there exists a somewhat subjective (albeit time-proven) "grading" system. (ii) a general lack of knowledge as to the commodity aspects of the shed antler market (from which antler chews are derived). We all should expect more, generally speaking. elk, and certainly no concern regarding antler grade. Awhile ago, I ran into a gent who told me that he sold "antlers" and as "antlers are antlers, what you get is what you get." There was no care or differentiation as between deer v. More to this in pt (ii) however, the takeaway is: do not settle for junk. (i) safety issues associated with passing off weathered white, often-cracked, Grade B/C/D shed antlers as suitable, when in fact such chews are prone to splintering, devoid of the same nutritional benefits found in fresh, brown Grade A+/A chews, and, in a worst case scenario, a hazard to our pups. By analogy, if one was a seller of sacks of “dog food," generically stated, I could find myself purchasing anything from horse meat to top-shelf, small-batched organic kibble that rivals what I, myself, eat for dinner! Frankly, folks who are tossing chalk white low-grade antlers in a bag/box and simply stamping them "antlers for dogs" are doing a grave dis-service to the pet industry.Namely owing to: First, (until I saw shenanigans firsthand, I had assumed the following would be a GIVEN in conducting business (unfortunately it's not, and it's a huge issue)) make sure you know what you're buying! That is, there is rampant misinformation in this particular market – it's audacious, in fact. If you've indulged me this far, I'll point out one other thing (well, a couple of related things) to keep in mind when considering ANY antler chew from ANY brand/store.

#Good prices on elk antlers for dogs crack

So, the end analysis of it all is that antlers are less likely to splinter as compared to cooked meat bones, and elk, mule deer and moose antler chews can be virtually worry-free long-lasting chews resistant from splintering concerns (if processed correctly and sized appropriately), while Whitetail Deer antlers may readily snap or crack when at the mercy of a voracious chewer – to me, personally, it's an an apples to oranges comparison. The Moose antler chews seem to typically be of the softest antler we carry, with mule deer and elk about a tossup. Thus whitetail deer poses as a more dangerous chew, therefore we do not endorse that type deer antler chew. We do offer Moose and Mule Deer antler chews which we have recently discovered offer a balance of softer marrow and a nice chew-able outer wall, which again is much different when compared to the Whitetail Deer antlers, which are quite solid and VERY hard. By contrast, Whitetail Deer antlers are incredibly hard throughout (think jawbreaker hard), while lacking much in the way of beneficial core marrow. Elk Antler makes a chew that is durable, but also more safe. (UPDATE) 3/12/16- As an overall chew, I do still prefer elk antler over any over all species of cervids (whitetail deer, caribou, etc.), as elk antler material offers the most optimal, accommodating type density. Although we are new on the scene, I've spent my life with dogs and antlers by virtue of my interests in the great outdoors – and I'd like to chime in to provide a bit of education (Antlers For Dogs 101?)! I've been active today on several blogs that have queried as to differences among the various antler chews and treats on the market.

good prices on elk antlers for dogs good prices on elk antlers for dogs

Hey all! As you know, I'm the owner of Mountain Dog Chews, a boutique distributor of Grade A+ elk antler chews. Before You Buy Other Antlers for Dogs, Please Read!!!

Good prices on elk antlers for dogs